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Woburn, MA 01801

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Set Congregation

North Shore


North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Set Congregation



    Kyle AsmusMarch 3, 2019Biblical BookSermon Details  

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    Passage: Exodus 2:22

    "One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked on their burdens, and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people.  He looked this way and that, and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."  Exodus 2:11-12 (ESV)

    "When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together. And he said to the man in the wrong, “Why do you strike your companion?” He answered, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid, and thought, “Surely the thing is known.” When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and stayed in the land of Midian."  Exodus 2: 13-15 (ESV)

    "I have been a sojourner in a foreign land."  Exodus 2:22 (ESV)

    When you make yourself the point of your life, you'll always miss the point of life.



    God almost always works in before He works through you.


    The point of life: Christ Glorified.

    Sermons in EXODUS

    August 30, 2020
    Michael Davis

    August 16, 2020
    Kyle Asmus