“The greatest tragedy in life is the prayers that go unanswered because they go unasked.” - Mark Batterson
Thinking and praying… there’s a big difference between the two. Thinking about things is good but praying about things is better.
I don’t always catch it at first, but it happens a lot… I stop praying and start thinking. I start thinking about what I want to happen… what I hope will happen, but thinking is not the same as praying is it?
When I find myself getting frustrated or discouraged (sometimes both) because I don’t see God moving in response to my prayers I need to stop and ask myself… ‘Have I been praying about that or just thinking about it?’ And again, there is a difference between the two – thinking is good, but praying is better.
In thinking about things, whether it be a situation or circumstance or a relational or a practical need, at the center of my thoughts is me. Namely, what I need to do to fix or make better whatever it is I’m thinking about. But in prayer, at the center of my thoughts is God. Namely, who He is, what He is like and what He is doing and wants done.
When I’m at the center of my thoughts, lots of stress, worry, and anxiety follow. But in prayer, God graciously gives me His peace and perspective.
So, which one do you find yourself spending more time in – thinking or praying? If you find that God has not been moving in response to your prayers, maybe what’s transpired is a movement away from praying to thinking… it’s easy to do. But please remember that 100% of the time, praying about things is better than thinking about things.
Together, let’s keep praying about ALL things and see how the LORD will continue to move in response to the prayers of His people.