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North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Set Congregation

Remaining Prayers

by Jason Corbin on January 08, 2018

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you."  John 15:7

Our understanding of God’s Word is directly linked to the effectiveness of our prayer. To say that differently, as you remain in His Word it will transform the way you pray.

For instance, I recently took on a new role at work and had the privilege of selecting my own team. My first priority wasn’t to start delegating tasks. Instead, I took the time over a couple of weeks to get to know each person on the team. I didn’t want to focus on the typical stuff a manager usually assesses; I wanted to know them personally - what made them tick, what were their priorities in life outside of work, what were their families like. For me, having that deeper understanding of them helped me to become a better manager for them. I knew what motivated them and how to more effectively communicate with each one them by having a better personal understanding of them. In turn, I let them get to know me on a more personal level as well. The results have been amazing.

Communication in a relationship is always more meaningful and more effective when we have a deeper understanding of each other. I’ve noticed that my prayers are more effective when I keep in mind who God is, what God cares about, and what God wants to accomplish. We know these things because we have been given His Word, which outlines His will for our lives. God’s will is to be glorified, to see His kingdom come, for us to know Him deeply and to have a right relationship with Him through Jesus. God’s will is that we would live fruitful lives in accordance with His Word and we do that by remaining in it!

I love how John says this:

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him."  1 John 5:14-15

The more I read verses like this on prayer, the more I am understanding Jesus’ own words in John 15:7. To paraphrase, “If you know Me, then remain in Me. And if you let My Word live within you, then you already know what to pray for; you will already know what I care about.” Then the prayers you pray will already be in accordance with His will and the types of things that He desires; so of course, pray whatever you wish for and it will be done. Why? Because you took the time to remain!

That is what I am learning. To approach prayer more confidently and more carefully because I have spent the time remaining. I want to be bold in prayer, so I remain in His Word! I want to be confident in prayer, so I remain in His Word! I want to be effective in prayer, so I remain in His Word! If you want to grow in prayer, remain in His Word!