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Set Congregation

North Shore


North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Sunday 10:00 AM


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Set Congregation


by Michael Davis on June 28, 2024

“Put bluntly: the American church today accepts grace in theory but denies it in practice.”  BRENNAN MANNING

I first read the above sentence in the Fall of 1991 and when I read those words, well, let me just say something ‘pricked’ my heart.  

Growing up for a better part of my life ‘
in’ or ‘around’ the church, I was VERY familiar with the language of grace, but nothing in how I thought about or interacted with God would reveal a man who understood grace in practice.

Yes, I could tell you what ‘grace’ meant…
unmerited favor or undeserved gift, but I could not tell you from personal experience how grace worked in day-to-day life walking with God.

When I sinned, which was a lot, God was mad at me… so I thought.  And when I was selfish and self-centered, which was a lot, God was disappointed in me… so I thought.

Conversely, when I did ‘perceived’ good things like…
read my bible, pray, share my faith, give money or serve within the local church, I honestly believed that God loved me more… that He was ‘more’ pleased with me because of the good things I was doing.

Basically, the entire emphasis of my relationship with God was on what I was doing rather than what God had done.  Sadly, this way of thinking and this way of relating with God went on for years and as you might imagine, I was absolutely exhausted.  And if that at all describes you, well, you know all too well that exhaustion.

So, here’s what helped me then and here’s what stilling helping me now…


Understanding grace, like truly understanding grace is the starting point of a healthy walk with God, for without it you will be stuck in a world of seeking and striving to perform for God.  And I can tell you this, regardless of your performance, whether you deem it good or bad, if you relate with God based upon on your performance, you will miss God.

“He has a single relentless stance towards us:  He loves us.” Brennan Manning

Because grace is about God, then our walk with God must be about God namely, who He is and what He is like.  Are there things that God would have us ‘do’?  Yes, of course.  But here’s the thing, all of those things (
prayer, Bible, church, serving, giving, etc.) are intended to help us encounter and experience the Gracious One.

Activity in the Christian life is not about getting something from God because the gospel of grace reminds us that in Christ, we’ve already freely received everything when we received relationship with God.  Thus, ALL Christian activity is not about getting something from God, no, it’s in order to help us (and those around us) further ENJOY God.

How differently might you approach your relationship with God if you truly believed that His posture towards you was
ALWAYS one of love.

Just so you know, regardless of your answer, He is smiling upon you because GRACE is not about you, it’s ALL about Him.