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Woburn, MA 01801

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Set Congregation

North Shore


North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Sunday 10:30 AM


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Set Congregation


by Michael Davis on January 08, 2025

There are times when preparing to preach a Sunday sermon that I get stuck.  Meaning, I can’t seem to get past a thought or an idea, or in this case, words.  This past Sunday, January 5th, I was intending to preach a full message on what’s referred to as the ‘The LORD’s Prayer.’  

There are many places where Jesus models prayer for us.
There are multiple places in which Jesus tells stories or parables on prayer in order to encourage His listeners to keep praying.

But there is only one place where Jesus teaches His followers ‘HOW’ to pray.  Jesus does not teach a formula for us to follow in prayer rather, Jesus teaches a rhythm of HOW we might connect our hearts to the heart of God.

Depending on the translation you use (NLTESVNIV, etc.), there are roughly 53 words in the LORD’s prayer.  But this Sunday, I could not get beyond talking about the first two words…

I’ve preached on the LORD’s Prayer before, actually, a few times, but I’ve not gotten stuck on those two words like I did this past Sunday.  As I’ve reflected on ‘Why’, well, I’m still processing that a bit but as of today at 4PM, here’s what I’ve come up with…

Clearly, that’s not a new thought but as I’ve been processing the two words, ‘OUR FATHER,’ I am filled with gratitude for you.  I’m actually humbled and overwhelmed that together this side of heaven, you and I get to experience being in and part of the FAMILY OF GOD.

I shared this on Sunday, but if I had to walk with God on my own, well, I would not get very far… and to be honest, neither would you.

When Jesus teaches us to begin in prayer with, “
OUR FATHER,” it is a beautiful reminder that because of Jesus, you and I are family, and as family, how extremely blessed are we to have an absolutely amazing FATHER!

Now, as I type these words, I’d be lying if I told you that my heart was in a posture of complete rest and peace.  Truth be told, I’m a bit stressed out… just ask my wife, Kyla.  I don’t want to be stressed but that’s been the prevailing emotion over the past few weeks.

Why you ask… well, as of today, January 8th at 4PM, we are still uncertain as to where GENESIS will be gathering in the Summer of 2025 and beyond.  In other words, we have yet to secure a place to call home.

I have 100% confidence that the LORD knows exactly where we will be but as of today, I’m not sure where that will be.  
I don’t want to be stressed by that, but in the midst of feeling at times ‘overwhelmed’ with that uncertainty, I’ve been reminded afresh of…

Here’s what I mean by that…
In the past few days, the number of messages that I’ve received from people within the GENESIS family simply telling me…
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus” or that, “The LORD’s got this,” or this message I just received an hour ago… “Hey Michael, love you man and I am praying for you.”

It would be an understatement to say how grateful I am for the FAMILY OF GOD (that would be you) in this season!  God is using you to remind me that OUR FATHER is good and in complete control of all things at all times.  God is using you to renew and restore joy, peace, and rest.

“OUR FATHER” - so grateful for these two words because they have reminded me, and I hope you as well that we are always…