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Woburn, MA 01801

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Set Congregation

North Shore


North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM


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Set Congregation


by Michael Davis on March 12, 2025

Do you like to be inconvenienced?  I’m guessing not… I sure don’t!

Let’s be honest…
Who likes to be interrupted?
Who likes to have their plans changed?

Who likes to be moving forward only to be told, ‘turn back’?

It’s safe to say that not one of us likes to be interrupted.

When at work, we keep the door closed so no one interrupts us.

While shopping, we keep the headphones on because nothing says, ‘please leave me alone’ more than walking around in public with our headphones on.

Nothing wrong with wearing headphones or keeping your door closed at work… it’s good to be focused.

But here’s the deal… if we’re going to experience God, we’re going to need to be ‘ok’ with being interrupted.  If we’re going to encounter the Living God day-to-day, we must not be so focused that we miss what God is seeking to do in the moment we’re in.

As you read through the Scriptures, there are countless, I truly mean countless numbers of examples of people who were ‘interrupted’ by God.

“Hey Abram… ya see all those stars?”
“Hey Moses… ya see that burning bush over there?”
“Mary, sweet Mary… so, things might look a bit different!”

Again, so many examples of people in the Scriptures who encountered and experienced God because they embraced Divine interruptions.  The interruptions certainly looked and sounded different with each person, but the outcome was the same… they encountered and experienced God in ways they would have otherwise missed.  

And just so you know, Divine interruptions are not always easy… just ask the disciples about the day when they went fishing and they met Jesus.  God’s timeline does not always match ours. God’s agenda for the day might not sync up with our agenda.  Point being, interruptions are not easy… but they are BETTER!

Every Divine interruption is God’s way of saying…
“I’m inviting you to something better… something you would have otherwise missed had I not interrupted you.”

Imagine if Abram didn’t look up and just went to bed?
Imagine if Moses just chose to ignore the bush that was burning?
Imagine if Mary dismissed the angel as nothing more than a ‘weird dream’?
And imagine if the fishermen simply told Jesus, ‘No can-do carpenter!’

Divine interruptions are rarely if ever convenient to the moment that we are in, but please hear this…

The interruption might be as simple as stopping what you are doing to pray for the person you can’t stop thinking about.

Or the interruption might be as profound as it’s time to change careers.

Whatever the interruption is, and regardless of when it comes; at work, or when we gather on Sunday, or in the middle of the night, if we would experience and encounter God, we must embrace His interruptions.

And with every Divine interruption that comes your way, please don’t forget…