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Woburn, MA 01801

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Set Congregation

North Shore


North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM


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Set Congregation


by Michael Davis on March 05, 2025

God is NOT done with you.
God is 
NOT done with me.

How do I know that?  Well, the fact that you reading this message right now means you're still alive, and just so you know, as long as you have breath in your lungs God is not done with you.

And because God is not done with you (or me), that means one thing -


God has MORE He wants you to see.

God has MORE He wants you to hear.
God has MORE He wants you to know.
God has MORE He wants you to experience.
God has 
MORE He wants you to encounter.


If God does have MORE… and I wholeheartedly believe He does for ALL of us, then is there anything that might hinder you and I from experiencing the MORE that God has?

Sin… clearly, that will block our view of seeing God.
Selfishness… yep, that will hinder us from hearing God.
Disobedience… for sure that will impede our intimacy with God.

All of these things will certainly get in the way of the MORE that God has for us, but there is something else… something very significant that will lead us to miss the MORE that God has for you.


As we each look back in our story, whether we’ve been walking with God for a few decades or a few weeks, we’ve all experienced and encountered God in a variety of ways.

In prayer, yes.
In His Word, yes.
In service of others, yes.
In worship, yes.
In walking through His creation, yes.

Clearly, there are numerous ways in which we’ve encountered our Creator in personal and powerful ways… all of that is a GOOD thing.  

But here’s the thing, sometimes past experiences create an expectation that how we’ve experienced God previously is exactly how we should always expect to experience and encounter God.  In other words, if we’re only looking to encounter God in the same ways we did in the past, well, we might miss how God is wanting us to experience Him in the present.

To be clear…

God’s Character (Holy, Loving, Merciful, etc.) and His Attributes (all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, etc.) are UNCHANGING.  

God is God.
God is ALWAYS God.  

But that being said, God wants His kids (that would be you and I) to experience and encounter Him in ways that will continue to GROW our love, affection, obedience, wonder and awe of who He is.

Keep reading the Bible… everyday… cultivate that habit.
Pray… practice continual conversation with God throughout the day.
Worship… be present every Sunday to worship through service, song, Word, and communion in the context of community.

Continue to cultivate these habits (disciplines) of experiencing and encountering God, but do not let your experience of God up to this point limit how God might want you to experience Him moving forward.

As you begin your day, join me in praying…
“LORD, I want to experience and encounter you today throughout the day, so help me to see, hear, and know when you're seeking to get my attention to MORE OF YOU.

Grateful to be learning and growing with you all in learning to see that God’s Word is a book of EXAMPLES NOT EXCEPTIONS.