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Set Congregation

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North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Set Congregation


by Michael Davis on January 15, 2025

One of the most powerful sermons that Kyla and I ever heard was back in college.  We don’t remember what the pastor was talking about (sorry Pastor Larry), but we remember the one verse he preached on.  And over the past 30 years, Kyla and I have reminded one another of that one Scripture verse MANY times as a way of encouragement.

Well, today, Kyla busted out that verse on me not only to encourage me but also to remind me of how she has been praying for me.  And more than just praying for me, how she has been praying for ALL of GENESIS.

Before I share that one verse with you, let me ask you this…

Have you ever noticed that when you need to make a major decision in your life… like a really, really BIG decision that things start getting louder?

Meaning, when you’re confronted with a big decision, whether that be with a new direction to take or a new opportunity to say, ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to, the voices either around you or even within your own head start getting louder and louder.

“Do this.”
“Don’t do that.”
“If you do that, then how is that going to work?”
“What happens if…. (you fill in the blank)?”

The list of questions we wrestle with when confronted with making BIG decisions is much longer than that, but I think you get the point.  With every question we ask ourselves, it gets louder and louder in your heart and head.  Sometimes, it’s simply our own voice making the most noise whereas at times, it’s other people’s ideas, thoughts, opinions of what we should or should not do that start to drown out our own voice.

Well, today at 11:27AM, Kyla sent me a beautiful text reminding me of the one verse that the LORD has used SO MANY times in our lives to point us back to the ONE VOICE that is always most important.

So… here’s the verse and I hope it encourages you as it did me:
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”
Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

As mentioned above, Kyla is not only praying this for me, but she has been praying this for ALL of us… for GENESIS. 

It’s my firm conviction that the LORD does not just speak to one or two or three people about His heart for His people, I believe the LORD wants His Body (the Church) to be unified with His heart for His people.

I am thankful that we are in this season of prayer because it’s when we are in a posture of prayer when we can hear His voice and His heart best.  It’s in prayer where things begin to quiet down, and we are positioned to hear what is from Him for us.

As we’ve talked the past few Sundays, God is “Our Father” and I believe “Our Father” wants to bring His people (GENESIS) to a place of having one heart with where He is leading us in this upcoming season.

This coming Sunday evening at 4PM, there will be a FAMILY MEETING to discuss in greater detail what we believe the LORD is inviting us to be part of. Our future space is a big part of that but as we all know, the church is not a building but a people.  And more important than a building, is how the LORD is moving amongst His people to accomplish His Kingdom purposes.

I can’t wait to share with you how we’ve seen the LORD moving thus far and what we believe He’s inviting us into in the coming days.

Until then… join Kyla and I in praying through Isaiah 31:21.
Grateful to be on this amazing journey with you all!