Tristan Davis
Mobile: 781-460-9816
Born outside of Chicago, IL, Tristan has lived in Woburn since the age of 2. A proud graduate of the Davis Academy Homeschool, Tristan had the privilege of learning at home all the way through high school with his two younger siblings Reilly and Caeden under the their teacher (Mom aka Kyla) and Principal (Dad aka Michael). Tristan remains homeschooled as a student at Liberty Online, majoring in Music Production with a minor in Business.
Often seen wearing a burnt orange t shirt, the greatest color of all time, Tristan can often be found eating foods of a similar color in the form of Lebron James spicy cheddar ruffles or Buffalo Wild Wings (his favorite restaurant). What Tristan lacks in physical height he makes up for with slightly concerning height of Star Wars knowledge (yes he did used to edit the Star Wars Wookiepedia).
When not doing school or working at his dream job at GENESIS, Tristan can be found slowly learning how to enjoy hiking, making lists, playing guitar or piano, swimming at the gym, hanging out with friends or carrying his team to victory in pickleball.
Tristan is very grateful for all that God has done in his life and looks forward to seeing all that he will continue to do in and through his life!