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Woburn, MA 01801

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Set Congregation

North Shore


North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

Service Times

Sunday 10:00 AM


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Set Congregation


by Michael Davis on May 03, 2024

“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.”  JOHN KABAT-ZINN

I’m not sure if this is true because I have no idea how someone could measure this, but I’ve read that our attention span is less than that of a goldfish.  Apparently, a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds and you and I, a whopping eight seconds.

So, in the time it took you to read the above paragraph, I’ve already lost your attention.  Well, if possible, can I have your attention for just another moment or two?  I’ll assume you’re nodding your head and smiling right now, so the ONE thing that I wanted to encourage you with today is simply this…


Jesus made super clear that God is ALWAYS at work - see John 5:17. And because God is ALWAYS at work, well, that means we can REST in His Work.  But to be clear, REST does not mean checking out, it simply means taking the posture of living with our eyes and hearts wide-open as to His work in our midst.

In other words, our responsibility, our role is to

I don’t always understand why God wants to involve us in His work, but He does.  Thus, we need to PAY ATTENTION.

And just so you know, His work often involves loving or encouraging or blessing someone He puts in your path.  It might be a spoken word, a written word, or an act of kindness to communicate the kindness of God.  


I thought you should know that I miss it, and I miss it often.  Sometimes it’s because I wasn’t paying attention and sometimes, I miss it because of my stubbornness.  I don’t want to miss the moment God has me in, but I often do… maybe you can relate?

Well, here’s what I do when I miss it.  I pray - “Lord, I totally botched that moment where I knew you were at work, and you were inviting me to be part of it.  I’m sorry.”

That’s it… I pray and then I move on into the next moment because as I mentioned above, God is
ALWAYS at work.  We just need to PAY ATTENTION.

I’m not sure where you are right now as you read these words -
home, work, on the train, or at school?  Wherever it is, PAY ATTENTION to His work around you.  And whatever or however He is at work in the moment you are in right now, enter the moment and enjoy seeing God do what only God can do.